- 相關(guān)推薦
英語作文300字 篇1
我的英語老師姓陳,她有一雙明亮的眼睛,一張可愛的`圓臉。陳老師很愛笑,不管遇到什么事,她都會微笑著給我們上課。但是她對我們的要求很嚴。課堂上,老師特別注重我們的發(fā)音。有時候,因為我們發(fā)音不準,一個單詞要教好多遍。有的同學老是不行,我們都替他著急,但是陳老師不急,她耐心地教,一個音,一個詞,一個句子,直到滿意為止。為了讓我們都能快點進步,陳老師絞盡腦汁,才想出了很多的辦法,除了課后親自輔導外,她還讓我們同學結(jié)對子,一個幫助另一個,沒事的時候 ,兩個人就一問一答。
英語作文300字 篇2
March 12 is the anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen‘s death. Dr. Sun Yat-sen had attached great importance to forestry. He served as provisional president of the Republic of China soon after the establishment of the Nanjing Government, in May 1912 established the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, under the forest Division, director of national forestry administration of. In November 1914 enacted the first of China‘s modern history, a Forest Law, in July 1915, the Government has stipulated that the annual Qingming as Tree-Planting Day.
英語作文300字 篇3
Jim's family
A picture is on my desk. This is a picture of Jim's family. The man is Jim's father. A woman is behind Jim. She is his mother. They are teachers. A girl is in the picture, too. She is Jim's sister. Her name is Kate Green. Jim and his sister are in the same school. They are English.
英語作文300字 篇4
Lucy is my best friend. She and I company and support each other. We share our happiness as well as sorrows. She is unhappy these days, because she didn’t do well in the final exam last week. She is upset. I told her that we all know she worked hard for it. She could do much better. A failure in exam doesn’t mean she was not good. I hope she can find out the reasons and correct the mistakes. Next time, she would do a great job.
露茜是我最好的`朋友。我們相伴左右、互相支持,分享喜怒哀樂。這些天她不開心,因為她在上星期的期末考試中考不好,這使她很沮喪。我告訴她,我們都知道她努力了,本可以考得很好的。這一次的失敗并不意味 著她不夠優(yōu)秀。我希望她能找出原因,改正錯誤,下一次她一定能做得很好。
英語作文300字 篇5
As is shown in the chart / graph / diagram / table above, __________ has charged drastically in the past _________. While ___________,now the percentage of__________ is __________. Meanwhile, the number of _________ has soared up to ________. There are mainly two possible reasons contributing to the rapid changes. The first is that _________. Secondly,__________. In my point of view, the changes have a great influence on _________. At the same time,_______. To sum up ,_________.
英語作文300字 篇6
Water is very important to us.
If there is no water we will die. We can eat nothing for few days but we must drink water every day. Besides if there is no water the plants will not grow and the animals will not live. Therefore there will no food for us. But the water has been severely polluted nowadays. Much water is not suitable for drinking. For our human beings and our planet we must protect water.
Without it there would be no life any longer in earth.